S7-COMP11-2 - The use of Gamification to support the Teaching-Learning of Software Exploratory Testing: An Experience Report based on the application of a Framework

2. Research-to-Practice Full Paper
Igor Ernesto Ferreira Costa1 , Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira1
1 Federal University of ParĂ¡

This Research to Practice Full Paper presents the exploratory testing which is an approach that has become quite relevant in the testing software and, with that, growing its application in the industrial scenario, mainly in reason of the emerging utilization of agile practices in the software development process to satisfy the needs of market (Time to Market), which is essential for a company to remain active in the market. However, it was possible to perceive few studies about application of exploratory testing and a subject little discussed in the academic context. For this reason, this work uses gamification as a systematic strategy in exploratory test teaching and learning in the form of an experiment with two classes, one class with undergraduate students in Computer Science and the other class with students graduated in Computer Technician aiming to maintain a strong engagement that students and encourage good performance, thereby obtain as results students prepared to use that test approach in the industrial and academic context. As a final result, students achieved good overall performance; with reports from students that gamification facilitated and greatly collaborated to achieve the best performance converging with the quantitative data obtained. This can be evidenced mainly by the fact that both runs of the experiment (classes) reached a percentage higher than 70% of achievement that is there was a great overall performance analyzed by the ratio of medals obtained by participation.